The Lee Family Broadcasting, Inc. story begins in 1964. Al and Joreen Lee purchased KART-AM in Jerome, Idaho and began operating Southern Idaho's only radio station that played country western music - a genre that was even more popular in the 1960's than it is today - ESPECIALLY in the Magic Valley. Not only did KART-AM broadcast country western music, but it gave the community a radio station to call their own - as the station was staffed largely by citizens who grew up and resided in Southern Idaho. Over the years, the Valley saw tremendous growth and change - not only in the broadcasting and media landscape, but as a region as well. There's only a few things that could probably be said about radio THEN, and radio NOW. The Lee Family believes in the power of live and local radio. Kim Lee, second generation owner, and his wife Jami Lee reside in Twin Falls, Idaho.
Their son, Sage Lee, also serves as one of Lee Family Broadcasting, Inc.'s account executives. It's becoming ever so scarce to find a radio group that sees the smiling face of its owners every day. But at Lee Family Broadcasting, Inc., it's how it has always been and always will be. In fact, the Lee Family is a strong believer in the idea that it's the ONLY way to ensure that local radio continues to serve the communities in which it resides. Lee Family Broadcasting, Inc. employs a full staff of programmers, disc jockeys, talk show hosts and account executives who also live and breathe the same Southern Idaho air that carries the radio waves of its eight radio stations into the homes and businesses of Magic Valley families. Today, in addition to assisting your company make educated decisions on where and when to place your radio advertising buys, our group of talented professionals can also help you make the best decisions for your business when it comes to placing digital marketing buys as well. We'll guide you every step of the way - from understanding the goals of your marketing campaign, to writing commercial copy - and from developing a strategy that sees your marketing dollars getting the maximum return on your investment, to producing top-notch commercials that can both air on our market-dominating radio stations AND throughout your online marketing campaigns alike. To contact Lee Family Broadcasting, Inc. about helping you with YOUR next advertising campaign, fill out the form below - or simply call us at (208) 324-8181. And we promise... a real, live and local PERSON will answer your call. And thanks for stopping by. We eagerly look forward to helping you grow your business!